INFORMATION ON THE TREATMENT OF PERSONAL DATA (EU Regulation n. 679 of 27/4/2016 - hereinafter GDPR)
Barca srl respects the confidentiality of sensitive and personal data and always acts in accordance with any regulatory provision on the matter. Barca srl is committed to protecting data and to ensuring maximum transparency with regard to the manner in which they are treated, collected and processed.
In accordance with the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (EU Regulation 679/2016, hereinafter GDPR), Barca srl communicates this policy. Barca srl informs that the data are processed in the manner and for the purposes presented below.
In a nutshell, the object of the data processing in:
Sensitive data (revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature, as well as personal data disclosing health and sex life) for which the consent of the person concerned is required;
Common data: for which the prior information to the data subject is sufficient, while respecting the general requirements of GDPR.
Object of Treatment
Barca srl processes personal data, even of a sensitive nature, communicated with free and informed consent only for the proposed and accepted business activity.
In compliance with the requirements of GDPR, the treatment will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, purpose limitation, minimization of data, accuracy, limitation of storage, integrity, confidentiality and accountability, as well as protection of privacy and rights of the data subject. It should be noted that the provision of data and the related processing are mandatory in relation to the purposes related to the fulfillment of fiscal obligations; it follows that any refusal to provide the data in a complete manner for these purpose may result in the impossibility of processing and to carry out the business relationships for the obligations of the law and for the Barca srl activity.
Purpose of the treatment
The data are processed according to the law and in a correct and transparent way through manual, computerized and telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated below and in any case to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data for business purposes, or to fulfill pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations arising from exsisting business relationships, fulfill obligations under the law, a regulation, EU legislation or an order of the Authority (such as anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism) and exercise the rights of Barca srl defence in court.
Also, in compliance with similar laws and obligations, we will process the data in order to detect and prevent security threats, fraud or other harmful activities, as well as to protect and/or enforce the rights of Barca srl or third parties.
Treatment modalities
The processing of data consists in the collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, deletion and destruction. The data are processed both on paper and electronically, with or without the aid of automated processes.
Barca srl will process the data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes presented, for the time of storage of the acts containing them, and in any case no longer than 10 years from the termination of the relationship for the purposes of service.
Direct marketing and right of opposition
Any optional, explicit and voluntary communication via e-mail to the references of the Owner involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other data included in the message as well as the attachments contained. The acquisition of the sender's address will allow Barca srl to send periodic informative Newsletters.
We inform the Customers that their personal data may be used for marketing purposes (sending advertising material, direct sales, carrying out market research or commercial communication), also direct, through automated contact methods (such as sms, mms, fax, automated voice, e-mail and web applications), and traditional (such as phone calls via operator). Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 21 GDPR we inform that the customers have the right to object at any time to the processing of their personal data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.
Data access
The data may be made accessible, exclusively for the purposes presented, to our employees and collaborators, in their capacity as appointees and/or internal data processors, or to third party companies or other entities that outsource activities on our behalf, with independent guarantees of compliance with GDPR.
Data recipients
Without the need for express consent Barca srl may communicate the data to judicial authorities, as well as to those subjects to whom the communication is required by law for the fulfillment of the purposes described, and in any case necessary for the fulfillment of the mandate given. These subjects will process the data in their capacity as independent data controllers. Your data will not be disclosed to others.
Identification of the Data Controller
The data controller is Barca srl, with a registered office in Scorzè (VE) via Treviso n. 83, C.F. and P.IVA 04342910271.
Representative of the owner is Mr. Pellizzon Marco, Chairman of the Board of Directors, born in Venice on 30/09/1974, C.F. PLLMRC74P30L736K
Documents are available at the secretary's office of Barca srl.
Identificazione del Responsabile del Trattamento
Responsabile del trattamento è il Sig. Francesco Pellizzon, nato a Venezia il 14/02/1986, C.F. PLLFNC86B14L736W
Rights of the interested party
The Data Controller provides information on the rights of the data customers:
- right to request information in writing about the data stored at Barca srl;
- right to ask the data controller for access to the data, correction or deletion of the same, limitation to the processing, right to oppose the processing;
- right to the portability of data;
- right to revoke the consent to the processing of data, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;
- right to lodge a complaint to the Control Authority;
- the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you exist, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form
- the right to be informed of the source of the data, the purposes and methods of processing.